Would you like to add a membership?
Yes, I'd like to add a membership
Add a MembershipPlease confirm your selected {{ cart.Memberships.length > 1 ? 'Memberships' : 'Membership' }}
{{ membership.MembershipTypeName }} {{ membership.Cost | currency }}
{{ membership.MembershipName }} - {{ membership.MembershipDescription }} {{ membership.MembershipCategoryName }} - {{ membership.MembershipName }}
{{ membership.Notes }}
Membership Total {{ cart.MembershipTotal | currency }}
Would you like to schedule a class?
Yes, I'd like to schedule a class
Schedule a ClassPlease confirm the reserved spots for , and {{ student.name }}
{{ student.name }}'s class is on
{{ course.SessionDays }} at {{ commonMethods.FormatTime(course.SessionBeginTime) }} - {{ commonMethods.FormatTime(course.SessionEndTime) }}
{{ course.CompanySiteName }}
{{ course.CourseTitle }} with {{ course.TeacherName }}
{{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(course.EffectiveDate) }} - {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(course.FinalClassDate) }}
{{ course.Cost | currency }}
{{ membership.Name }}
Due every month on the {{ course.selectedPaymentOption.Notes }}
{{ course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments.length }} payments until the balance is paid off
Due {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments[0].Date) }} - {{ course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments[0].Amount | currency }}
{{ course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments[1].Amount | currency }} per class
Due {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(item.Date) }} - {{ item.Amount | currency }}
Due {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments[0].Date) }} - {{ course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments[0].Amount | currency }}
Starting {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments[1].Date) }} - {{ course.selectedPaymentOption.Payments[1].Amount | currency }}/mo
Due every month on the {{ option.Notes }}
{{ option.Payments.length }} payments until the balance is paid off
Due {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(option.Payments[0].Date) }} - {{ option.Payments[0].Amount | currency }}
{{ option.Payments[1].Amount | currency }} per class
Due {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(item.Date) }} - {{ item.Amount | currency }}
Due {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(option.Payments[0].Date) }} - {{ option.Payments[0].Amount | currency }}
Starting {{ commonMethods.FormatDateShort(option.Payments[1].Date) }} - {{ option.Payments[1].Amount | currency }}/mo
Class Total {{ cart.ClassTotal | currency }}
Would you like to schedule an event?
Yes, I'd like to schedule an event
Schedule an EventPlease confirm your upcoming event reservations
{{ event.Name }} {{ event.Cost | currency }}
Deposit {{ event.DepositAmount | currency }}
{{ event.CompanySiteName }}
{{ commonMethods.FormatDateFull(event.EventDate) }}
{{ commonMethods.FormatTime(event.BeginTime) }} - {{ commonMethods.FormatTime(event.EndTime) }}
Event Total {{ cart.EventTotal | currency }}
By clicking "I Agree", you are acknowledging you have read and agree to the terms above and your online account with Swim-in Zone will be created.
Thank you! We received your payment of {{ cart.AmountDueToday > 0 ? cart.AmountDueToday : 0 | currency }}. Your account balance has been updated and a confirmation email regarding your course selections has been sent.
WARNING: {{ note }}
Classes {{ cart.ClassTotal | currency }}
Events {{ cart.EventTotal | currency }}
Memberships {{ cart.MembershipTotal | currency }}
{{ fee.Name }} {{ payment.Amount | currency }}
{{ discount.DiscountName }}: {{ discount.SeasonName != null ? discount.SeasonName : discount.DateApplied }} {{ discount.Amount | currency }} CR
Purchase Total {{ cart.AmountTotal > 0 ? cart.AmountTotal : 0 | currency }}
Account Balance
{{ cart.Outstanding > 0 ? 'Credit' : 'Past Due' }} {{ cart.Outstanding > 0 ? cart.Outstanding : (cart.Outstanding * -1) | currency }} {{ cart.Outstanding > 0 ? 'CR' : '' }}
Total Due Today {{ cart.AmountDueToday > 0 ? cart.AmountDueToday : 0 | currency }}
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